According to EHS Today, “from an OSHA perspective, [ergonomics] is the process of designing the job to fit the employee, rather than forcing the employee’s body to fit the job.”

This might include altering the work environment, tasks, and equipment to meet certain needs of an employee to reduce physical stress on the body and avoid work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Overall, the goal of ergonomics is to avoid disorders and injuries associated with overusing soft tissues (e.g. muscles or tendons), bad posture, and repetitive tasks. All employers should consider using an ergonomic process to help keep employees healthy and productive. Per OSHA, the process should include:

*   Management support
*   Involve employees
*   Identify problems
*   Early reporting
*   Implement solutions to control hazards
*   Evaluate progress

For more information on ergonomics standards and processes, please visit